Tuesday 15 June 2010

Let's get serious

Hi guys,
Alot of you guys that are reading this are in secondary school, right?
So you are thinking about your GCSEs. I have just chosen my options, but i have alot of friends that are doing exams. Alot of you may act like you don't really care about your grades but we both know you do really. Scientist have said that our generation is to be one of the greateset of all time, and to be honest i want to be part of that great generation.
We are the future doctors, scientist, Judges, Show hosts, Editors, Artists and entrepreneurs. In the years of our youth we need to enjoy ourselves but we aslo need to buckel down and work so we can reach these goals!

I've done some reasearch and have come up with 5 step that will ensure we are succsesful:

1. OrganisationWe need a routine, a time table that we can follow. Plan what you are going to do when you get home and stick to it. I advice that you should make at least a start on all your homework for the day as soon as you get home. You will find that a some days you will have barely anything to do and then you can just relax!

2. Ask 4 helpDon't be afraid to ask your parents for a tutor or you teacher for extra tuition. Our parents and teachers want to help you! But you have to ask.

3. Try, try, try againIf you don't do well on a certain piece of work. Find out exactly what was wrong with it and do it again. Even if they don't give you a new grade do it for yourself and prove that you can to all things if you put your mind to it!

4.Take pride in your workWhen you get your assignment, make sure you aim for the highest grade. Put your heart into your work, when have a project try and make even just the apperance of your work relevant to the subject. You will proberly find you enjoy yourself while doing it.
and last but certainly not least...

5. RelaxIf you know your are trying your hardest in all your subjects and you just can't seem to get that top grade, don't beat yourself up about it. No one is the best at everything. Just be the best you you can!

love jewellie

Pull your pants upp!

Im sorry i have to be the one to tell you this boys, but it has to be said. WE DON'T want to see your nasty little draws Ok!

I mean don't you get cold back there anyway. If you can't afford trousers that fit you then at least fork out for a belt. They are not that hard to come across!

Why do you want to show your underwear to the world anyway? They are called underwear for a reason you know. It means they are ment to stay under your clothes and are not to be seen! I mean for heavens sake what do you get out of it anyway?

Do you guys even know where this stupid trend even came from. No? Prison! Yes prison, the prisoners are given any size clothes and they can't complain about their pants not fitting. And they are not aloud belts just incase they use it to hang themsleves or somthing!

I've realised something...
You guys actually try and buy nice looking boxer shorts just so you can display them to the world! How idiotic is that..?

You know what im not even being fair, cause you know what it not just the boys.
It's the girls too! Girls now actuallt go and by girl boxers (and lacey thongs) so they can display them to the world. I mean come on girl have some pride, don't you think a guy should have to work a bit before he finds out if you wear shorts or knickers! For crying out loud!

I don't want to sound to crude and i am saying this with love. Be a bit more modest ok ?
You don't have to follow the crowd.
Just think about it!

love jewellie
p.s please watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKf2ur3XKhs